Diane Raubenheimer

Dianne Raubenheimer

Director of Research, Planning and Assessment

308 Johnson Hall

(919) 760-8913

StrongPoints® Strengths: Strategic, Individualization, Learner, Ideation, Analytical


Dianne has over thirty years of experience working in educational institutions (universities and non-governmental organizations) focusing particularly on assessment and program evaluation; faculty development; teacher preparation; science and mathematics education; curriculum development; and educational program delivery.

Prior to joining the Meredith College staff in December 2011, Dianne served as Director of Assessment for NC State University’s College of Engineering, a position she held from 2005. When Dianne first arrived in the USA from South Africa, she taught courses in Educational Studies at Brescia University in Kentucky, a position she assumed in 1998. In South Africa she taught at the University of Natal, Durban and prior to that also held senior positions in non-governmental organizations focusing on enhancing science and math teacher education.

Dianne has extensive experience in educational research design and in working with faculty to conduct research within courses they are teaching, as well as with the assessment of students, courses and programs. She also brings experience in formative and summative program evaluation. Dianne works as an educational consultant and is currently serving (or has served) as external evaluator on many educational research and development grants, including a number of NSF grants, FIPSE and foundation grants.

Academic Credentials

  • Doctor or Philosophy: Educational Leadership and Organizational Development (Higher Education): University of Louisville
  • Master of Education (Curriculum Development and Evaluation), University of Natal, Durban, South Africa;
  • Master of Science (Environmental Biology), University of Natal, Durban, South Africa ;
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Cell Biology, Animal Behaviour), University of Natal, Durban, South Africa;
  • Bachelor of Science (Cell Biology, Environmental Biology), University of Natal, Durban, South Africa;
  • Advanced Diploma in Adult Education, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa.

Professional Credentials

Certificate in Developments in Primary Science Education. Centre for Research in Primary Science and Technology (CRIPSAT), University of Liverpool.


External Evaluator and Project Consultant, NSF-funded project SEAChange - Dr. Moira van Staaden, Bowling Green State University, Ohio.


Awarded best paper in the Industrial Engineering Division of the American Society for Engineering Education International Conference, 2012.

Who’s Who of American Teachers (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005) – multi-year nominations by former students.


Pahwa, D., Vila-Parish, A., & Raubenheimer, C.D. (2019). Modelling Progress of Student Problem Solving Proficiency in Senior Design. In Proceedings of the 2019 IISE Annual Conference, H.E. Romeijn, A Schaefer, & R. Thomas, eds.

van Staaden, M. & Raubenheimer, C.D. (2016). Are your faculty using RBIS? How do you know? Proceedings of the Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education (EnFUSE): Research and Practice. Symposium organized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the National Science Foundation’s Division of Undergraduate Education April 2016, Washington, D.C.

van Staaden, M. & Raubenheimer, C.D. (2015). Uncorking the Bottleneck: Measuring Fidelity of Research-Based Instructional Strategies. Paper presented at the International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning (ISETL), Savannah, GA.

van Staaden, M. & Raubenheimer, C.D. (November, 2014). Research-Based Instructional Strategies: The Fidelity Factor. Paper presented at AAC&U Working Conference: Transforming STEM in Higher Education, Atlanta, GA.

Ozturk, H., Duca, A., & Raubenheimer, C.D. (June, 2015). JITAR: Online Modules to Improve Math Preparation of Engineering Students. Proceedings of the 2015 American Society for Engineering Education International Conference, Seattle, WA.

Vila-Parrish, A., & Raubenheimer, C.D. (June 2012). Towards developing a framework to assess engineering problem solving processes.  Proceedings of the 2012 American Society for Engineering Education International Conference, San Antonio, Texas. Awarded best paper in industrial engineering division.

Ozturk, H. & Raubenheimer, C.D. (2011). PAT: An online program assessment tool. Paper presented at 2011 American Society for Engineering Education International Conference, Vancouver, Canada.

Raubenheimer, C.D., Lavelle, J.P., Leach, M., White, S. & Moses, P. (2011). Engineering student success: A First-year intervention course. Paper presented at 2011 American Society for Engineering Education International Conference, Vancouver, Canada.

Ho, C. & Raubenheimer, C.D. (2011). Computing-related Self-efficacy: The Roles of Gender, Academic Performance, and Computational Capabilities. Paper presented at 2011 American Society for Engineering Education International Conference, Vancouver, Canada. Also published in Computers in Education Journal (2011).

Raubenheimer, C.D., Weibe, E., & Ho, C. (June 2010). Computational thinking: What should our students know and be able to do? Proceedings of the 2010 American Society for Engineering Education International Conference, Louisville, KY.

Raubenheimer, C.D., Ozturk, H. & Duca, A, (June 2010).  Bridging mathematics concepts to engineering contexts: Just-in-time review modules. Proceedings of the 2010 American Society for Engineering Education International Conference, Louisville, KY.

Raubenheimer, C.D., Craig, A., & Joines, J. (June 2009).  Using computational tools to enhance problem solving. Proceedings of the 2009 American Society for Engineering Education International Conference, Austin,TX. Also published in Computers in Education Journal, (2010), vol20.

Weibe, E., Ho, C., Raubenheimer, C.D., Bullard, L., Rouska, G., & Joines, J. (June 2009).  Computing across curricula: The view of industry leaders. Proceedings of the 2009 American Society for Engineering Education International Conference, Austin,TX.

Raubenheimer, C.D., & Young, R. (2008, October). Brazilian engineering exchange program. Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, Saratoga, NY.

Raubenheimer, C.D., Craig, A., Brent, R. & Joines, J. (June 2008).  Integration of computer-based problem solving into engineering curricula. Proceedings of the 2008 American Society for Engineering Education International Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. Also published in Computers in Education Journal, (2009, 19(1), 34-48.

Bullard, L., Felder, R., & Raubenheimer, C.D. (June 2008). Effects of active learning on student performance and retention. Proceedings of the 2008 American Society for Engineering Education International Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Craig, A., Bullard, L., Joines, J., Miller, C., Raubenheimer, C.D., & Rouskas, G. (June 2008).  Computing across curricula. Proceedings of the 2008 American Society for Engineering Education International Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.

Raubenheimer, C. D. (2008). Assessment to improve teaching and student learning within a course. In J. S. Spurlin, S. Rayala & J. Lavelle (Eds.), Designing better engineering education through assessment. Sterling, VA: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Raubenheimer, C. D. (2008). Glossary of assessment terms. In J. S. Spurlin, S. Rayala & J. Lavelle (Eds.), Designing better engineering education through assessment. Sterling, A: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Brent, R., Maners, J., Raubenheimer, C. D., & Craig, A. (2007, October). Preparing undergraduates to teach computer applications to engineering freshmen.  Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, Milwaukee, WI.

Raubenheimer, C. D. (2007). A Summative evaluation of ‘International teams in engineering industrial projects: A cooperative manufacturing and production engineering program’.  Raleigh, NC: College of Engineering, NCSU.

Raubenheimer, C. D., Spurlin, J., Martin, S., & Mehlenbacher, B.  Faculty in Technology-Rich Contexts: Connecting Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in the Classroom. 2007 UNC TLT Conference Proceedings.

Joines, J.A., Roberts, S.R., & Raubenheimer, C.D. (2007). Computer-Based Modeling for Engineers using Excel and VBA. Proceedings of the 2007 American Society for Engineering Education International Conference, Honolulu, Hi.

Oliver, K., & Raubenheimer, C. D. (2007, July). Strategies for online concept mapping, part 2. Online Classroom: Ideas for Effective Online Instruction, 2, 1&3.

Oliver, K.., & Raubenheimer, C. D. (2007, June). Strategies for online concept mapping, part 1. Online Classroom: Ideas for Effective Online Instruction, 1, 7-8.

Myka, J.L. & Raubenheimer, C.D. (2005). Action research implemented to improve Zoology laboratory activities in a freshman biology majors course. Electronic Journal of Science Education, 9(4).

Raubenheimer, C.D. (2005). A summative evaluation of the Center for Improvement in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (CIMSTE) at the University of South Africa. . Pretoria, South Africa: CIMSTE, UNISA.

Raubenheimer. C. D.  & Myka, J.L. (2005). Using action research to improve college science courses. Journal of College Science Teaching, 36(6), 12-16.

Raubenheimer. C. D.  (2004). Cases of university faculty conceptions and practices of teaching, assessment and action research. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Louisville, KY.

Raubenheimer. C. D.  (2004). Lessons from research: Professional development of university science faculty through action research. In D. W. Sunal, E. Wright & J. Bland (Eds.), Research in science education: Reform in undergraduate science teaching for the 21st century. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Raubenheimer, C. D., &  Myka, J. L. (2003). Action research implemented to improve zoology laboratory activities in a freshman biology majors course. Abstracts of the 2003 Kentucky Academy of Science Conference, Bowling Green, 6 – 8 November.

Raubenheimer, C. D. (2003).  A formative evaluation of the Center for Improvement in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (CIMSTE) at the University of South Africa. . Pretoria, South Africa: CIMSTE, UNISA.

Sunal, D., Gardener, F., Kallam, L., McAllister, D., McKinnon, C., Raubenheimer, C.D., & Staples, K. (2002). NASA Opportunities for Visionary Academics (NOVA) evaluation report.  Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama.

Dianne has also presented a number of workshops and papers at various conferences and other venues.

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