Dr. York has been a professor at Meredith College since 1999. She holds a bachelor of science degree from Elon University, master of science degree in Economics from UNC-Charlotte, and doctor of philosophy degree in Economics from North Carolina State University. Dr. York serves as the Program Director for the Economics major, is the advisor to the international economics honor society, Omicron Delta Epsilon, and recently served as co-chair of the College Tenure & Promotion Committee.
Dr. York’s fields of expertise are in labor and health economics. Her main area of interest is gender differences in the labor market, which is shown by her research and writings. Dr. York was involved in public service when she was appointed by the Governor to serve for five years as Chairperson of the North Carolina Internship Council. Dr. York’s expertise is often quoted in news outlets such as, WRAL TechWire, The Conversation,, WUNC,,, HR Executive Magazine Online, Pew Charitable Trusts,, and Dr. York is a lifelong North Carolinian, being born and raised in Charlotte and now resides in Raleigh with her husband, son, and two rescue dogs.
Academic Credentials
Ph.D., North Carolina State University
M.S., UNC-Charlotte
B.S., Elon University
York, E. Anne (2024) “Learning How to Learn: A Case Study from Principles of Microeconomics” presented at the Southeastern College Learning Center Association Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
York, E. Anne (2023). “Using LinkedIn in the Economics Curriculum,” presented at the 20th Annual Economics Teaching Workshop, Wilmington, NC.
York, E. Anne and Steven Benko (2016). “Interviewing Business Leaders to Develop Critical Thinking About Market Structure,” presented at the 15th Annual Economics Teaching Workshop, Wilmington, NC.
Lenard, M.J., Yu, B., York, E.A., & Wu, S. (2016), “Are Companies Led by Women Less Likely to be Subject to Fraud Litigation?”, presented at the Forensic Accounting Research Conference, Charlotte, NC. (DBS)
Yu, Bing, Lenard, M.J., York, E.A,. and Wu, S.X. (2015), “Women Leaders in Banking and Bank Risk,” presented at the World Business Research Conference, Beijing, China. Received Best Paper Award.
Lenard, M.J., Yu, B., York, E.A. & Wu, S. (2014), “Impact of Board Gender Diversity on Bank Risk,” presented at the Eastern Finance Association Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
York, E. Anne (2024) “Learning How to Learn: A Case Study from Principles of Microeconomics” presented at the Southeastern College Learning Center Association Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
Pauline Perry Davis Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2024
Meredith College School of Business Teaching Award 2023
Meredith College School of Business Service Award, 2021
Pauline Davis Perry Award for Excellence in Research, 2000
Broyhill Faculty Teaching Fellow, 2015
Laura Harrill Presidential Award, 2014
Pauline Perry Davis Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2024
York, E. A. (2024). Using LinkedIn in the economics curriculum. The Journal of Economic Education, 55(3), 263–275.
Lenard, M.J., York, E.A, and Yu, B. (2019). Female trustees and university financial performance. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues 9(6), 60-66.
York, Anne. “The best gift for Mother’s Day would be equal pay”, (May 12, 2018). Available at:
Yu, B., Lenard, M.J., York, E.A., and Wu, S. (2017). Female leadership in banking and bank risk. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 21(3), 1-19.
Lenard, M.J., Yu, B., York, E.A. and Wu, S. (2017). “Female business leaders and the incidence of fraud litigation.” Managerial Finance, Vol. 43, No. 1, 59-75.
York, Anne. “Google memo completely misses how implicit biases harm women.” The Conversation (August 21, 2017). Available at completely-misses-how-implicit-biases-harm-women-82568
York, E. Anne and Steven Benko (2016). “Interviewing Business Leaders to Develop Critical Thinking About Market Structure,” Journal of Economics and Finance Education, Vo. 15, No. 3, 34-36.
Lenard, M.J., Yu, B., York, E.A. and Wu, S. (2014). “Impact of Board Gender Diversity on Firm Risk,” Managerial Finance, Vol. 40, No. 8
Lenard, M.J., Yu, B., and York, E.A. (2013), “Do Discretionary Accruals Help Distinguish Between Internal Control Weaknesses and Fraud”, International Business Research, Vol. 6, No. 12, 84-93.
York, Anne. “Men, Feel Liberated to Become Secretaries.” CNNOpinion, (February 5, 2013). Available at
York, Anne. “Why Men should share equally in housework.” CNNOpinion, (April 8, 2013). Available at