Bekah Morton Wade

Bekah Morton Wade

After completing the AIR program at Meredith, I have been more inspired to make for the sake of making. Having the opportunity to work with Meredith’s dedicated staff again was not only nostalgic and a joy but made me feel like I was part of the art community again. Having open studio access, as well as access to the brains of such original thinkers, made for a great environment to re-discover my creative voice- not only as an educator but as an individual. This revitalization would not have happened without pursuing the Artist In Residency Program. 


I am currently an Art Educator at East Wake Academy in Zebulon. I am in my fourth year of teaching high school art with nearly two of those years being during a pandemic. I also run a small photography business ( on the side

I am working on new lessons to incorporate the new techniques I explored in my residency (woodwork, painting on new surfaces, watercolor, and mixed media sculpture.) In addition to developing new lessons, I have made multiple smaller pieces since the end of my residency to try and keep the momentum going.


As a lover of all art forms, I hope to stay in education and potentially become a professor when I have more to bring to the classroom. Either way, I know art making and education will always be a focus in my career and hobbies. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to affirm my future goals, make new goals, and experience Meredith’s art department years after graduation.