Dietetic Internship Site Preceptor Pathway 

Meredith College’s Site Preceptor Pathway is a unique option designed to offer students a flexible approach to completing their dietetic internship. Students can choose up to four secured supervised practice rotations in North Carolina:

The secured rotations include:

  • 12-week Clinical/MNT rotation (often the most challenging site to find on your own) at a large teaching hospital in Fayetteville, NC. Your on-site preceptor is a dedicated Meredith College Faculty Clinical Educator.
  • 4-week food service management rotation in Fayetteville, NC, or in the Raleigh/Durham area, or you can choose your own rotation in an area of your choice
  • 4-week Wellness rotation in Fayetteville, NC, or in the Raleigh/Durham area, or you can choose your own rotation in an area of your choice
  • 4-week Public health rotation in Fayetteville, NC, or in the Raleigh/Durham area, or you can choose your own rotation in an area of your choice

Site Preceptor Pathway students complete the clinical rotation in three groups (to be
determined after acceptance):

  • Group A students complete the clinical rotation from August to November.
  • Group B students complete the clinical rotation from December to March.
  • Group C students complete the clinical rotation from March to June.
    Please note that dates may be subject to change.

If desired, students can apply for housing in Fayetteville, NC, through NC AHEC (see program director for more information).

Thank you for your Interest!

You can connect with a graduate admissions counselor in a variety of ways—choose the one that’s most convenient for you. We look forward to hearing from you!


Contact Information
Cathie Ostrowski
Martin Hall, Suite 122
(919) 760-8419
Facebook Twitter

The Internship Program in Nutrition and Dietetics is currently granted accredited status by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190, Chicago, IL 60606 | (800) 877-1600, ext. 5400