Upcoming Meredith Travel Tours

Make plans to join a Meredith Travel tour! Limited spaces are available on our 2017 trip to the Maritime Provinces of Canada. Learn more about the exceptional travel experiences to Switzerland and Italy that are being planned for 2018.


CANADA:  When Every Leaf is a Flower—September 28-October 7, 2017. North Carolinians are all familiar with the European colonization of the United States, beginning with the doomed Lost Colony. But what was the experience for our neighbor and ally to the north, Canada?  Native American, English, French and Irish heritage combined to form the mix that you find there today. Immerse yourself in stunning landscapes as the Meredith Travel program explores all aspects of this fascinating history, including the food, music and story-telling traditions. Please join old friends and make new ones as we travel through the Maritime Provinces—New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island—during the peak of the fall color season. Prepare to be dazzled. Reservations are still being accepted for the tour by Denise Parker at (919) 760-8051.


“Climb every mountain, ford every stream”—figuratively that is!  Our tour of SWITZERLAND and NORTHERN ITALY, June 16 to 26, will afford continuous views of gorgeous scenery from the large windows of our luxury coach. We will commence in Zurich, travel to Lucerne (and up to the top of Mount Pilatus, if you are game, fortunately via a cable car, not on foot), where we will spend two nights, and then on to Montreux on Lake Geneva. From there we will visit a winery in the Lavaux Vineyard Terrace region and Zermatt, a charming village beneath the Matterhorn. Because one should never pass up a chance to visit Italy when one is in the neighborhood, we will then spend two nights on Lake Como, visiting Bellagio, Menaggio, and Varenna before taking the Bernina Express to St. Moritz for two days of alpine bliss before heading back to Zurich via the tiny mountainous principality of LIECHTENSTEIN. “Why Liechtenstein?” you ask. “Because when you are in the neighborhood you should,” we reply.

Late September and early October 2018, will find us on the largest island in the Mediterranean—SICILY--which is less than two miles from the Italian mainland. Its strategic location in the Mediterranean Sea made it a contested prize through history, and fascinating traces remain from each culture—Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Germanic, Viking, Arab and Spanish. Among the highlights of the tour will be the climate and food—the sunny, delicious essence of the Mediterranean lifestyle, ancient Greek ruins, UNESCO World Heritage sites and the tallest, most active volcano in Europe!  Look for more information soon on dates, but put a reminder on your calendar now to join us as we explore this unique region of Italy.

Learn more about the Meredith Travel Program

—Submitted by Becky Bailey and Betty Webb, Meredith Travel Program Coordinators

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330
