Staying Strong Updates August 2021

Staying Strong Updates are reminders that will be helpful during the Fall 2021 semester. Items are either of interest to faculty/staff or on topics about which students may ask questions. 

Face Covering Requirement Reminder

Regardless of vaccination status, wearing a face covering over the nose and mouth is  required when in indoor common or public areas on the Meredith campus. Face coverings are required not only under Meredith’s Community Standards but also by the emergency public health proclamation put in place by the City of Raleigh on August 13. Meredith College has a zero-tolerance policy in place regarding violations of Community Standards. Removing a face covering in class, event, or in a common area in violation of Meredith’s Community Standards would result in disciplinary action.

CampusClear App Expectations
All students and employees are required to complete a COVID screening questionnaire via the CampusClear app each day that they are on campus. This requirement includes residential students. Students and employees entering Meredith from Hillsborough Street should show their Campus Clear “good to go” screen each time they enter the campus. Those who do not have a smartphone have the option of visiting the web interface version of the app and completing the survey via computer at If you have questions about this app, please review the CampusClear FAQs.

Vaccine Portal Reminder
Employees and students who have already been vaccinated are reminded to submit proof of COVID-19 vaccination status through our private, secure portal, which can be accessed at Please do not submit vaccination records directly to the student health center or any other campus office. Meredith has held a series of weekly drawings for students and employees who have submitted proof of vaccination. For students, the weekly prizes are a $500 tuition credit and $500 in cash. For employees, the prize is a $1,000 pre-tax bonus. There is one more week left in the incentive drawings.

More information on Meredith’s COVID-19 safety protocols, including links to the Community Standards, FAQs, and an archive of recent COVID Updates emails, is available at

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330