Spring 2018 Wings News
- By By Tom Manning, Director of Wings
- Published
New Wings Student “Brunch and Learn” Seminars
Fifteen new Wings students enrolled at Meredith in January, coming from a variety of education and career backgrounds. Many of them are participating in the pilot of the “New Wings Students Brunch and Learn” series, which meets each week. It provides a casual environment for new Wings students to gain information needed to quickly acclimate to Meredith, establish a reliable resource network, and develop valuable relationships with other Wings students. The series includes visits from seasoned Wings students who share their top tips for success, faculty who explain the value of students making connections early and often with their professors, and the president of the WINGS student organization, who helps them connect with other opportunities for fellowship and service.
Wings Spring Picnic
Wings students and their families will have an opportunity to get together again this year for the annual Wings Spring Picnic. The event will be held Saturday, April 7, 12-2 p.m. in the SMB courtyard, with an indoor rain plan in the SMB atrium. Wings alumnae are invited to attend and are requested to contact Tom Manning at thmanning@meredith.edu no later than March 30 to register.
Wings Graduation Cheerleaders Needed
Forty-five Wings students potentially may walk across the stage at this year’s commencement ceremony! It would be great for each of these women to hear a loud cheer of support and congratulations as they make that monumental walk. If you would like to be part of the Wings Cheerleading Section, please contact Tom Manning at thmanning@meredith.edu.
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