Office of Student Leadership and Service Hosts MLK Week of Service, Reflection, and Action 

Meredith College’s Office of Student Leadership and Service (SLS) hosted a Week of Service, Reflection, and Action to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy. 

“Our goal was to provide a week of events that can serve as a catalyst for students to find the good they want to do in the world,” said Kacey Reynolds Schedler. “In addition to the off-campus service project, we provided self-guided, self-reflection activities.” 

The week kicked off on January 17 at the Cate Center where students could listen to and reflect on King’s I Have a Dream speech. Students wrote down their hopes and dreams on a large banner, as well as completed coloring sheets with his quotes.

On January 18, students, faculty, and staff volunteered for MLK Service Day at the Catawba Trail Farm with Urban Community AgriNomics (UCAN). The volunteers helped with several tasks on the farm, including clearing plots of land, cleaning the chicken coop, and crushing eggshells. Additionally, the group learned about Catawba Trail Farm’s history as a former plantation owned by the largest slaving-owning family in N.C. In 2018, UCAN reclaimed the land and now serves low-income communities and local schools to teach healthy food preparation and preservation and distribute fresh food.

Learning about the history behind our volunteering site was profoundly meaningful and the UCAN speaker Mr. Justin was amazing,” said Cheris Singleton-Irizarry, ’27. “His words about freedom resonated with me deeply.” 

Christina Dunkerley, 28, said the service event helped her reflect on King’s legacy. “It allowed me to further recognize the depth of inequality in our nation and what incredible accomplishments Dr. King and other civil rights activists made.”

“We saw flags that marked the nearly 50 graves of enslaved people who were buried, literally or symbolically, by their loved ones under the cloak of night. It was sobering to be right there in the midst of that painful history,” added Reynolds Schedler. 

The last event, Find Your Inspiration, is Friday, January 22, from 10-11 a.m. at the Jones Chapel. King’s recorded words will be played for attendees to reflect on his message in a quiet environment.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
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(919) 760-8087
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