OCP Programs Help Students and Recent Grads Who Feel Stuck

Students and recent college graduates across the country are feeling stuck. They are seeking jobs, internships and professional experiences during a pandemic which has turned the economy and work upside-down. Many are unsure what their next steps are. The Office of Career Planning (OCP) has a few opportunities that students and grads who are feeling stuck or unsure may find helpful:

In partnership with StrongPoints, OCP is launching a coaching program to provide recent graduates structure and support to move toward their career and professional goals. Recent grads are invited to sign up for a four week jump start to their post-graduation plans. The four appointments will begin with a goal setting and planning conversation followed by a strengths coaching session. The final two appointments with a career coach will focus on specific goals such as: resume writing, crafting a personal statement, interview preparation, networking, etc. Once the program launches on May 18, grads can start whenever they are ready by signing up for an appointment via Handshake.

Rising juniors and seniors are also feeling the pressure of the shrinking economy. Students seeking some structure to their exploration and search are encouraged to register for CPS 301 in the fall semester. Instructed by Jane Matthews, Assistant Director, Employer Relations, and Flannery Clair, Career Development Coordinator, CPS 301 is a hands-on, 1 credit, half semester course that will engage a student in focusing on her future. Students in CPS 301 can expect to build their professional brand, connect with potential employers, and gather cutting-edge insights on the future of work.

OCP staff are available for consult, please let us know how we can support you and your students. We will continue to communicate with you as economic and workforce trends evolve. Students can make appointments via Handshake.  Contact us at career@meredith.edu or (919) 760-8341.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330
