New Library Resources Available through NC Live

If you have used the library’s online resources you have probably seen a page pop up at some point that says “Brought to you by NC Live.” NC Live is a consortium that provides support to North Carolina libraries and their communities across the state. Part of the support offered is access to a core selection of digital content and services that has saved the state millions through its collaborative efforts. Through our partnership with NC Live, Meredith College has saved $176,043 annually.

Along with these savings, our partnership affords us electronic access to resources covering careers, business, investing, health, history, and genealogy. You can check out all of the available content at or from our library’s website.

As you settle back in to the new semester, the library wanted to make you aware that as of January 1, 2018, NC Live has added five new resources that you can access through the library’s website from the Articles & Databases tab by clicking on the letter that the database begins with. Below is more information about these new online tools.

  • Automate is a reference database with authoritative and up-to-date auto repair and service information on more than 38,000 vehicles. This resource includes step-by-step repair information, diagrams, maintenance schedules, parts and labor estimates, service bulletins and recalls.
  • CINAHL Plus with Full Text is the premier database of nursing and allied health journals with additional materials that include nursing dissertations, conference proceedings, evidence-based care sheets, audiovisuals, and continuing education modules.
  • Mango Languages is an interactive language-learning resource that provides step by step lessons for 71 different languages, along with 17 ESL/ELL courses. Mango also offers a free mobile app. You will need to create a profile the first time you use it and choose a language. By creating an account it will save the place you stopped in your lesson.
  • MasterFilePremier is a resource for magazines and publications covering a wide-range of subject areas including business, health, education, general science and multicultural issues. Consumer Reports is part of this collection so you can access product reviews and recommendations for cars, appliances, electronics, personal finance, and health information from this publication.
  • NoveList Plus is a readers’ advisory resource covering fiction, nonfiction, and audiobook recommendations. A fun fact about NoveList is that it was founded locally in Kernersville, NC
Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330