Meredith Fund Hosts Spring Parents Council Meeting

The spring Parents Council meeting was held on campus on Saturday, March 18. Members learned about the Beyond Strong Campaign as well as The Parents Fund project success thus far. To date, The Parents Fund has raised $63,884.00 toward the Fitness Center renovation. Total parent giving exceeds $78,000, with gifts being designated to various areas across campus.

The Parents Council meeting included a tour of the current Fitness Center as well as a sneak peek of the new Fitness Center under construction. The meeting concluded with a roundtable brainstorming session. Parents had the opportunity to give feedback regarding what they love about the Meredith experience and what they would like to see strengthened.

Meredith College’s Parents Council consists of 50 families of current Meredith students. Parents Council members support the College by being ambassadors, advisors, and patrons. They are known for promoting the Meredith mission, hosting welcome events for incoming students, as well as making generous contributions to The Parents Fund each year.

In addition to attending the meeting, several Parents Council members began their day on campus by volunteering at Experience Meredith.

Photo shows parent volunteers welcoming the incoming Class of 2021 and their families during the Academic Fair in Weatherspoon Gymnasium.

–Submitted by Margo Alfieri, ʼ11, Parents Gift Officer

Melyssa Allen

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