Meredith COVID-19 Updates for June 10, 2020

This news roundup will be a regular feature in Campus Connections throughout the summer. Items are either of interest to faculty/staff or on topics about which students may ask questions.

As Meredith College enters the next phase of reopening campus offices, here are some helpful reminders, resources, and updates for employees. This information was previously shared via emp_all on June 5 2020.

Community Standards
Please remember to review the Community Standards that were developed with the safety and well-being of all in mind. The Community Standards are intended as guidance for considerations, options, and necessities, capturing some basic do’s and don’ts that best serve the interests of the campus community. HR will also provide an Employee Notice to ensure awareness of Meredith’s COVID-19 procedures. Please also review the employee guidance on what to do if you are sick, which was shared via emp_all on June 3.

Cleaning Supplies
A working group within the Incident Response Team (IRT) is developing a process to distribute cleaning supplies for use in campus offices. Using CDC guidance, the group has identified the following items that will be procured: hand sanitizer, wipes, disinfecting spray, and for those who do not have their own, masks. These supplies will be shipped to and distributed from the post office. A Formstack form will be created for Meredith departments to purchase products from this supply. Look for additional directions on this process soon.

Office Hours Announcements
Because in-person staffing for many offices may still be reduced during this phase, please post information about your office hours in an appropriate place in your department. A template created by the Department of Marketing was provided via emp_all on June 5. It is also recommended that offices update their MyMeredith departmental pages with their temporary office hours. Other templates and campus signage are being developed to communicate public health best practices to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.

As Meredith continues to navigate through the changing circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, updated guidance will be shared with our community via emp_all. For the most current information, refer to, which includes key points, regularly updated FAQs, an archive of community messages, and more.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330