Meredith COVID-19 Updates for April 22, 2020

This news roundup of recent campus updates regarding the COVID-19 response will be a regular feature in Campus Connections until the College resumes its typical face-to-face teaching and working schedule.

Reminder of Semester and Exam Schedule Adjustments
The Spring 2020 semester has been extended by two days. This change necessitated a modification to the schedule for final exams, which will now be held from May 4-8. A reminder message about this schedule change was sent to students on April 17.

Grant Funding Available Soon for Students
Students were recently sent an email about federal, limited funds that Meredith College expects to receive under the CARES Act. The funds will be used to provide some students with grants (not loans) for applicable expenses related to the disruption caused by the coronavirus.To be eligible for funds, students must have been enrolled throughout the Spring semester 2020. Read the message to students

Date of Degree Confirmation
While commencement weekend activities have been postponed, the degree conferral date for the Class of 2020 will still be Saturday, May 9, which means this is the date successful degree candidates can officially call themselves Meredith College graduates. Diplomas will be mailed to students. Decisions are still being made about how and when commencement will eventually be held for the class.

Summer School Online
Meredith will offer Summer School online this year. Courses are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. Summer session options include multiple three- and six-week sessions. Registration and course information available at

Planning for Fall 2020
A message was sent to current students on Monday, April 20, outlining the proactive ways Meredith College is planning for different possibilities for the Fall 2020 semester. The message reads in part “Based on information from state and national health officials, we are optimistic that Meredith will welcome students back to campus this fall for on-campus classes, Move-in Day and residential living. Like you, we yearn to return to the vibrant, face-to-face educational experience that has been our strength for the last 129 years. While we are hopeful this return will happen in August as planned, if circumstances surrounding Covid-19 prevent it, we are prepared to adapt, just as the College has through wars, the Great Depression, and other world-altering events. Read the full message

Where to Find Meredith COVID-19 Updates
Over the last couple of weeks, employees have received a number of communications related to COVID-19 in an attempt to make sure faculty and staff are well informed and have details about new opportunities being made available. The information that has been shared, including updates on Meredith’s pandemic leave policy and opportunities to post or apply for available work projects, can now be found on the new HR MyMeredith page – COVID-19 Employee Resource Page. We hope this will make it easier to locate the information as you need it.

For more updates on Meredith’s response to COVID-19, visit the coronavirus information section of, which includes key points, regularly updated FAQs, an archive of community messages, and more. Visit the site at

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330