Investing in Strength

As a member of the North Carolina Business Hall of Fame and a highly successful businessman, Charlie Shelton knows a strong investment when he sees one. He also values good stewardship of resources and careful money management. Shelton said he sees all of these qualities in Meredith – and all are an important part of why he continues to support the College financially.

“I have been very impressed with the investment practices by the Board of Trustees,” said Shelton.

Equally significant, however, is the first-rate education received by his daughter, Mandy Houser, ’90, who attended Meredith at his recommendation. Years before, when he passed by the College on work-related travels, Shelton said he was struck by the beautiful and well-maintained campus. So when it came time for Houser to start looking at colleges, he remembered his positive impression and encouraged her to consider Meredith. She did, and ultimately chose to study there, based on the strength of the interior design program.

Shelton’s long-standing financial support of Meredith began during his daughter’s college years. Initially, his focus was on initiatives for current students, such as helping to build the gate house that still stands at the College’s entrance. After Houser graduated, Charlie established a scholarship in honor of his wife, The Sandra Graham Shelton Scholarship for Interior Design.

“I always like to support young people who need some help,” said Shelton. “In my experience, some of the best people come from a background that includes a few challenges – they tend to work a little harder.”

Shelton said that his daughter’s education prepared her to succeed both personally and professionally. She was the owner of a thriving interior design business for a number of years. Now she balances raising a family and working in the family’s winery business. “I think it’s a great school,” said Shelton. “I like the management, and I believe their focus is always on education and the good of the students.”

Melyssa Allen

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