Helping Meredith Students Stay Strong

We are committed to helping our students complete their degrees at Meredith – and it’s working. Meredith’s freshman retention rate is the highest it has been in 17 years.

How are we supporting our students? We have …

  • overhauled academic policies to provide earlier interventions with students who struggle and reduce the possibility of students slipping through the cracks.
  • added scholarship opportunities specifically designed to bridge the gap for first-year students by rewarding both merit and need.
  • enhanced our tracking, risk-assessment, surveying, and outreach for better identification of student issues and areas of dissatisfaction.
  • enrolled more students in First Year Experience (FYE), a seminar designed to help them transition successfully into college.
  •  improved the enrollment experience. Now known as StartStrong, this strengths-focused, personalized event allows students to work one-on-one with an enrollment counselor to make informed decisions about their course schedules.
  •  strengthened our referrals process by faculty and staff who are often the first people who know students are struggling
  • created “academic skills coaches” within the Office of Academic Advising who specialize in such helpful topics as academic goal setting, study skills, time management, and more.

These are just a few strategies we have implemented, and we continue to think creatively about how to do even more to support our students.

You can help support your student, too! How?
Parents are a go-to resource for this generation of students. When your student talks about challenges she is having, listen to her concerns and then encourage her to contact the right person at Meredith.

Thank you for helping your student to continue going strong at Meredith!

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330