Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce President and CEO to Speak at 2018 Meredith College Commencement

Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Adrienne Cole will serve as Meredith College’s 2018 commencement speaker. The College will hold commencement exercises on Saturday, May 12, 2018, at Dorton Arena on the N.C. State Fairgrounds.

Cole, a 1993 graduate of Meredith College, is the first woman to serve as leader of the Chamber in the organization’s 129-year history.

With more than 20 years of experience, Cole previously served as the Chamber’s senior vice president of Economic Development and executive director of Wake County Economic Development.

Under her guidance, Wake County Economic Development and the Greater Raleigh Chamber announced more than 30 corporate relocations and expansions totaling over $250 million in capital investments and creating more than 5,000 new jobs.

In addition to her undergraduate degree from Meredith, Cole holds a master’s degree in public administration from Appalachian State University.

Melyssa Allen

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