Assessment Matters: Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement (BCSSE) Survey

Entering first year students completed the Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement (BCSSE) survey during orientation in August.  The BCSSE results provide a useful profile of the entering students. Some statistics are provided below.


  • 74% of students have taken one or more Advanced Placement (AP) classes,
  • 48% of students have completed one or more college courses for credit,
  • 57% of students sometimes came to class in high school without completing readings or assignments, while 5% reported they did so frequently,
  • 82% of students spent 15 or fewer hours per week preparing for class in high school.
  • 54% of students anticipate spending 15 or fewer hours per week preparing for first year college classes.

Social activities

  • 55 % of students spent 10 hours or less per week participating in co-curricular activities while in high school,
  • 60% of students anticipate spending 10 hours or less per week participating in co-curricular activities while in college,
  • 59% of students spent 10 hours or less per week socializing with friends while in high school,
  • 61% of students anticipate spending 10 hours or less per week socializing with friends while in college,
  • 37% of students spent more than 10 hours per week working for pay while at school.
  • 29% of students anticipate working more than 10 hours per week while in college.

Individualized Advising Reports

Student responses to BCSSE about their anticipated behaviors and approach to college life, provide valuable insights into students’ expected transition into college. BCSSE has made individualized advising reports, for all first year students who completed the survey, available to Meredith. This is the first time that these reports have been generated for our students. This link provides a sample advising report and suggestions about how to use the report in order to assist students to successfully transition during their first year.

The advising reports are clustered around 8 engagement indicators based on anticipated levels of student engagement and success in college. All First Years’ advisors will be provided with access to these reports, for use in enhancing first-year student success on campus.

8 Engagement Indicators

Commitment to the institution

Expected academic difficulty

Time on task

Academic perseverance

First-year expectations

Academic preparation

Academic help-seeking

Importance of campus support

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330