Alumna Chosen to Deliver Presentation on Education

Elizabeth Guiles, ’14, who earned a degree in English with 9-12 teaching licensure from Meredith, has been selected to deliver a presentation for English and Language Arts (ELA) teachers in Stokes County, N.C., in August 2016.

Her talk, titled “True Colors: Identifying Individual Strengths to Grow Student Investment,” will offer insight on how to motivate students by focusing on their strengths. Following is Guiles’ description of the presentation:

“One of the most common complaints from teachers today is that students are not motivated in the classroom. By identifying students’ strengths and personality traits, teachers are better prepared to produce and grow a successful classroom. In this session, we will discuss how to motivate students through every tenet of the English standards while growing student interest and investment in our classrooms.”

Melyssa Allen

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