2019 Reunion Scheduled for May 17-19

Meredith alumnae enjoy a long and lasting connection to one another as well as to the College. Alumnae Reunion Weekend provides a great opportunity to reconnect with your lifelong Meredith friends.

While all alumnae are invited to attend Alumnae Reunion Weekend, classes ending in a 4 or 9 will be celebrating a special class reunion this May. Highlights of the weekend include The Golden Oaks Luncheon honoring the Class of 1969, the Reunion Party featuring the Band of Oz, the State of the College featuring remarks from Dr. Jo Allen, ’80, and the presentation of the Alumnae Awards, and the Alumnae Worship Service. As always, alumnae enjoy reliving their Meredith days by staying in the residence halls with their friends and classmates.  We look forward to welcoming you home in May to celebrate Alumnae Reunion Weekend!

Reunion Weekend Brochure will be available soon! Visit meredith.edu/alumnae-reunion for more information.

Online Registration for all on campus events will begin on February 18; class letters with your individual class events during the weekend will be mailed during late February and early March.

Should you have any questions, please contact the Office of Alumnae Relations at (919) 760-8548 or alumnae@meredith.edu.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330
