Honors students ‘contract a course’ in order to receive Honors credit for it. The most common Honors contracted courses are for ‘Honors in major’ or ‘Honors elective’. An Honors Contract opens a new dimension of a standard course for the Honors student, creating new opportunities and an enriched learning environment. The best Honors contracts help students and faculty members to explore an area of interest, potentially laying the foundation for undergraduate research, artistic enterprise, or an Honors thesis.

Any course in the Meredith College undergraduate catalogue may be taken for Honors credit, provided the instructor agrees and the student receives written approval from the Honors director.


Honors credit will be granted only upon satisfactory completion of the Honors component. ‘Satisfactory’ will be understood to mean an A or B, which will then be included in the course average. If the Honors component is not completed satisfactorily, the student may still receive normal course credit.

Honors Contract Form

The form for contracting a course is available online and on paper (visit the Honors bulletin board across from the Honors lounge, 113 Lux, for a copy).

For Honors students: How to contract a course

To add an Honors component to a standard Meredith College course, the student should follow these steps. Please note that signatures are required for step 2, so plan ahead!

  1. Preliminaries
    Contact the professor who is teaching the course you wish to take for Honors credit. Inquire about the professor’s willingness to enter into an Honors contract with you for the course, and what the contract would entail.
  2. Fill out the ‘Honors contract’ form
    After you and the instructor have agreed upon a strategy for adding an Honors component to a course, write up a brief description of the project on the Honors Contract Form, sign it, have the instructor co-sign, and bring the completed form to the Honors director (Lux 115) for approval. The form can also be digitally sent to mcmillen@meredith.edu.
  3. Deadline
    The deadline for filing all Honors contract paperwork is the ‘last day to make a grading change’ for that semester (usually about four weeks after the start of the semester).

Contact Information
Dr. Cece Toole
(919) 760-2268