Christa Allen

Christa Allen, ’15, arrived at Meredith as a 17-year-old with a strong sense of self. But over the course of four years, the accounting major from Huntingtown, Md., experienced firsthand Meredith’s promise – that she’s even stronger than she thought.

Her post-graduation plans are evidence of her strength. Not only is she enrolling in the Master of Accounting program at NC State University with a fellowship, but she’s also accepted job as an auditor with public accounting firm BDO.

Christa said her time at Meredith has allowed her to exert her determination and perseverance – two strengths that have served her well. She demonstrated both when she first applied for public accounting internships. Her initial inquiries and applications resulted in dead ends, which left her feeling discouraged and naïve. But Christa wouldn’t give up.

“I was determined to achieve my goal,” she said. “Failure was not an option.” Christa turned to resources on campus, including the Career Planning office, for help with her professional development.

“After months of hard work, I achieved my goal and secured an internship for the summer after my junior year, which materialized into a second internship after graduation, a fellowship to graduate school, and a full-time job offer,” said Christa.

In addition to her internships, Christa has been active on campus. She’s a member of the White Iris Circle and has served as president of the Meredith Accounting and Finance Association. And as an Honors student, she also conducted undergraduate research, which resulted in her favorite Meredith memory.

She presented her Honors thesis to a packed lecture hall in Ledford on Celebrating Student Achievement Day. “During my presentation, I remember feeling confident, capable, and significantly overwhelmed by the amount of support I was receiving,” she said. In addition to her classmates, the crowd included her mother – who made the trip from Maryland – along with her business and psychology professors and her advisor.

“In that moment I felt more important than I have at any other time in my life,” she said. “I wasn’t just a number; I was Christa Allen, the woman who had blossomed right in front of their eyes over the last four years as a result of their encouragement.”

Christa credits her success to the strong relationships she’s built with faculty and staff. “Their support, advice, willingness to listen, and eagerness to know the real me have made my college experience and my transition into adulthood much easier,” she said.

“I have grown into myself and am more self-aware than I thought possible, and that is what makes me strong.”