Foods & Nutrition Courses: 34 hours
FN 124 Principles of Food (3)
FN 227 Introductory Nutrition (3)
FN 250 Perspectives in Nutrition (2)
FN 260 Nutrition in Diverse Populations (3)
FN 310, 311 Food Service Management Systems I w/ Lab (4)
FN 320 Food Service Management Systems II (3)
FN 330 Experimental Foods (3)
FN 340 Nutritional Biochemistry and Metabolism (4)
FN 440 Medical Nutritional Assessment, Therapy & Counseling I (4)
FN 450 Medical Nutritional Assessment, Therapy & Counseling II (4)
FN 480 Colloquium in Nutrition (1)

Biology & Chemistry Courses: 27 hours 
CHE 111/141 Chemistry 1 w/ Lab (4)
CHE 112/142 Chemistry 2 w/ Lab (4)
CHE 221/241 Organic Chemistry w/ Lab (4)
BIO 110/151 Biology 1 w/ Lab (4)
BIO 251 Cell Biology (3)
BIO 322/342 Human Anatomy and Physiology (4)
OR BIO 323/343 Vertebrate Physiology (4)
BIO 334/344 Microbiology (4)

Additional Courses: 13 hours
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology (3)
MAT 245 Statistics (3)
OR PSY 200 Statistical Methods in Psychology (3)
FCS 290 Foundations in Family and Consumer Sciences (1)
FCS 764 Methods of Teaching Family & Consumer Sciences (3)

The scientific principles of food selection and preparation. Two lectures and four hours of laboratory per week. 3 hours; spring/fall.

Basic principles of human nutrition with emphasis on nutrients, factors which affect their utilization in the human body, and the significance of application in diets for individuals and groups. 3 hours; spring/summer/fall.

A holistic view of varying perspectives in nutrition and foods. Current and timely issues relating to hunger, food science, nutrition, policy issues and the food industry will be discussed in relation to local and global perspectives. Students will be given the opportunity to contemplate the vast potential for integration of nutrition into daily life and debate differing perspectives. 2 hours; fall. Prerequisite: FN 227.

Principles of human nutrition applied to meet the health and nutrition needs at different stages of the life cycle. Role of culture, ethnicity and religion on food selection, dietary intake, and nutrition and health status. Government and community resources providing food and nutrition assistance will be discussed. 3 hours; fall. Prerequisite: FN 227.

Introduction to the use of management skills in food service systems, including the application of quantity food production principles, with and emphasis on quality quantity food production, menu planning, food service equipment use and facility design. 3 hours; fall. Prerequisite: FN 124; Core Requisite: FN 311, FN 312.

Laboratory experiments designed to apply food service production and management skills in quantity food settings. This course is designated for Food and Nutrition majors to supplement work in FN 310. Three laboratory hours per week. 1 hour; fall. Prerequisite: FN 124; Core Requisite: FN 310.

Applied investigation into the use of management resources in food service systems, fundamental management processes, concepts and principles to improve decision making and problem solving. Consideration of purchasing procedures, storage, methods of cost control, personnel, safety and nutrition quality in food decisions. Laboratory experiences are required. 4 hours; fall. Prerequisite: FN 124, FN 310, ACC 230, FN 311 or FN 312.

A study of the scientific principles underlying the composition of current food products, and the development of new or improved food products. Special emphasis on physical or sensory evaluation. 3 hours, fall. Prerequisites: FN 124, 227; BIO 101, 141.

A study of the essential macro- and micronutrients, related compounds and phytochemicals in the diet of humans, their interrelationships, metabolism at the cellular level and relationship to health. Research methods and study design in nutrition. 4 hours; spring. Prerequisite: FN 227, CHE 221, CHE 241, BIO 251.

An integration of the biochemical and physiological process in development and support of specific medical conditions with emphasis on assessment and the process of developing appropriate medical nutritional therapies and appropriate counseling of individuals and groups. This is the first of a two-course sequence. 4 hours; fall. Prerequisite: CHE 221, CHE 241, FN 227, FN 340; Corequisite: BIO 322, 342 or BIO 323, 343.

The purpose of this course is to provide a culminating comprehensive study of the medical nutritional care process. Application of biological, physiological and chemical parameters influencing specific medical conditions will be used in the study of nutritional etiology and support for disease processes. Assessment, development of appropriate scientifically-based medical nutritional therapy, and interviewing and counseling of the individual or group will be incorporated in the focus of the course. Case studies and hands-on learning experiences in anthropometric assessment specific to the medical nutritional intervention will be used for students to demonstrate attainment of competencies related to this course. The various roles of the medical nutritional team, nutritional, medical, pharmacological and nursing disciplines, will be considered in light of providing medical nutritional therapy for the individual or group. 4 hours; spring. Prerequisite: FN 440.

Through selected readings and small group discussions, students will explore and critically analyze major concepts and developments in the field and enhance their awareness of the role of nutritionists in society. Students will complete, present and discuss their work and accomplishments in the major and the field in the form of a digital portfolio at the end of the course. 1 hour; spring.

Historical and theoretical perspectives, and current trends in various disciplines in Human Environmental Sciences are explored. Students will be provided with the foundation to apply human systems theory and life course development to their area of specialization in Child Development, Family and Consumer Sciences, Fashion Merchandising and Design, Foods and Nutrition, and Interior Design. 1 hour; spring/fall.

A study of planning, implementing, and evaluating family and consumer sciences (formerly home economics) in lesson planning using a variety of techniques. Emphasis on assessing the needs of learners and matching teaching/learning styles. Includes emphasis on new technology in the classroom. Recommended for all majors. Required for secondary family and consumer sciences education and nutrition majors. 3 hours; spring.

Fundamental concepts of chemistry, emphasizing stoichiometry, atomic and molecular structure, and chemical bonding. Three class hours per week. High school chemistry or CHE 100 is strongly recommended as a prerequisite to this course. 3 hours; spring/fall/summer. Corequisite courses: CHE 141.

A continuation of fundamental concepts, with emphasis on kinetics, equilibria, electrochemistry, and descriptive chemistry. Three class hours per week. MAT 144 is strongly recommended as a prerequisite. 3 hours; spring/fall/summer. Prerequisites: CHE 111, 141. Corequisite courses: CHE 142.

Essential principles, reaction mechanisms, structures and stereochemistry of carbon compounds. Three class hours per week. 3 hours; fall. Prerequisites: CHE 111, 141; CHE 112, 142. Corequisite courses: CHE 241.

A course presenting many of the central principles of biology and relating them to everyday experience. Areas of study include biology at the subcellular and cellular levels, principles of inheritance, and processes of energy production and utilization. Three lectures per week. 3 hours; spring/summer/fall. Corequisite courses: BIO 141.

The fundamental unit of life is the cell, therefore, cell biology forms the base upon which all modern biology and medicine is built. This course provides advanced study of microscopy and associated techniques such as freeze-fracture, fractionation, centrifugation, immunofluorescense, and cell fusion. Both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells will be covered but the course will emphasize eukaryotic cells. Topics covered will include: cell chemistry, bioenergetics, enzymes, membranes, transport across membranes, endomembrane system, cell junctions, respiration, photosynthesis, cell cycle, cell division, information flow, gene regulation and expression, cytoskeleton, motility, contractility, signal transduction, cellular aspects of the immune response, and the cellular aspects of cancer. Three lecture hours per week. 3 hours; spring/fall. Prerequisites: BIO 101, 141; CHE 111, 141. Corequisite courses: CHE 112, 142.

Study of the structure and function of the major tissues, organs, and organ systems of the human body. Three lectures per week. 3 hours; spring. Corequisite courses: BIO 342.

A comprehensive study of the principal processes involved in vertebrate cells, tissues, and organ systems, including circulation, respiration, excretion, acid-base and fluid tolerances, digestion, reproduction, and muscle-nerve coordination and integration. Anatomy is studied as necessary to understand the functions of the different systems. Three lectures per week. 3 hours; fall. Prerequisites: BIO 101, 141; BIO 102, 142; CHE 111, 141; CHE 112, 142. Corequisite courses: BIO 342.

A course designed to provide a general understanding of the structure and function of bacterial cell types along with the application of bacteriology to certain medical, food, environmental and industrial processes. Three lectures per week. 3 hours; spring. Prerequisites: BIO 101, 141; BIO 102, 142, or BIO 251; CHE 111, 112, and 221. Corequisite courses: BIO 344.

An introduction to the scientific study of behavior and consciousness, including topics such as the neurological basis of behavior, perception, learning, memory and thinking, motivation, personality, normal and abnormal behavior, psychotherapy, and social factors in behavior. 3 hours; spring/fall.

A general introduction to the descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include elementary probability, distributions, estimations of population parameters, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, correlation, and regression. Students will use statistical analysis technology. May be taken without prerequisites with department’s consent. 3 hours; spring/summer/fall. Prerequisites: MAT 141 or 144.

A survey of the fundamental techniques for describing and analyzing behavioral data. The course considers measures of central tendency and deviation, linear and function-free correlation, hypothesis testing, nonparametric techniques, and analysis of variance. Basic computer skills required. 3 hours; spring/fall. Prerequisites: PSY 100.

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Contact Information
Cathie Ostrowski
Martin Hall, Suite 233
(919) 760-8419
Facebook Twitter
The Internship Program in Nutrition and Dietetics is currently granted accredited status by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190, Chicago, IL 60606 | (312) 899-5400