Why Meredith’s New Success Coaching Program Matters to You

Students in graduation caps and gowns standing on balcony of Johnson Hall

For most students, college is their first experience navigating a new living and learning environment. Which makes it exciting – and sometimes a little daunting, no matter how strong and capable you are.

That’s why Meredith is launching a new Success Coaching program. It’s designed to help students succeed throughout their four years and beyond.

This new program, starting in fall 2022, will ensure all students have a mentor – someone to answer questions, motivate them, and connect them with resources across campus.

Whether you connect with your mentor through a particular program, such as Honors or Teaching Fellows, or you’re assigned a Success Coach directly, you’ll have a knowledgeable guide to help you transition to college and thrive throughout your four years.

Read on to learn more about the program – and why it matters to you.

Why is Meredith providing the Success Coach program to students?

The Success Coach program gives students a go-to person for any issue they may face during their time at Meredith. Success Coaches proactively support students by staying in touch, with frequent communication in a variety of formats to keep students informed and engaged.

How does it work? 

Success Coaches connect regularly with students to answer questions, connect them with resources, and help them create a holistic plan for their college experience. A student’s Success Coach provides consistent support and guidance throughout her time at Meredith. Success Coaches are also highly proactive; they communicate directly with students and engage a variety of support services on campus to provide a “web of support.”

Who is eligible to receive a Success Coach?

All students receive personalized mentoring. Some students receive that guidance through their involvement with programs such as Honors or Teaching Fellows. Others are assigned a mentor directly as a Success Coach. And, like StrongPoints®, the Success Coach program is provided at no additional cost.

What difference can a Success Coach make to my experience?

Success Coaching has been researched extensively and its positive effects are well documented. It has been shown to have a positive impact on

  • retention and graduation rates
  • students’ GPAs
  • time management
  • study skills
  • self-awareness
  • goal-setting and achievement 

Success Coaches can also help students think about their college experience holistically, begin thinking about majors and careers sooner, and successfully navigate the logistics of college, (which can be particularly important for first-generation students).

Learn more about the Success Coach program, or contact our Admissions Office with any questions you may have.

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